Polyaffective family: an analysis of social reality and applied legal interpretation


Cristielly Danieta Nunes Reis
Elizabete Vieira da Cunha
Natália Bomfim Pereira Fontes


families, polyaffectivity, standardization


The present work of conclusion of the course sought an analysis of the social reality and the legal interpretation applied to the contemporary polyfaffective family in Brazil, having as research problem: How is this type of family supported socially and legally in Brazil? The general objective was to carry out an analysis of the social reality and the legal interpretation applied to the multi-affective family and the specific objectives, to present the family's evolution; to present in a compiled form the types of family entities worked on in the doctrine; work on the concept of a multi-affective family; demonstrate the difference between family and present the legal interpretation about the family. With emphasis on the inductive methodology and result, Brazilian legislation, despite pointing out understandings and advances on the concept of family, but still demands the creation of a legislative norm on the poly-affective family.


REIS, Cristielly Danieta Nunes; CUNHA, Elizabete Vieira da; FONTES, Natália Bomfim Pereira. Família poliafetiva: uma análise da realidade social e da interpretação jurídica aplicada. 2021. 39f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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June 16, 2021