Entrepreneurial Accountant: A Study of Points to Be observed in the constitution of an accounting firm from the perspective of a business plan


Izabela Giovanini Camargos
Naiara Dias Ferreira dos Santos


accounting, planning, entrepreneurial vision office


Accounting is a thorough job of analyzing the fiscal, tax and labor areas of a governmental or non-governmental company, institution or entity. Therefore, it is an activity that requires time for analysis. Many companies hire accounting firms or offices to provide this service. For these reasons, in some cases, it is advantageous for the company to hire an accounting firm, which becomes responsible for the accounting and financial statements, payment of taxes, resolution of problems related to the staff, among other issues related to corporate accounting. The study seeks to give an entrepreneurial view on the planning for the
implementation of an accounting office, providing tools for the success of the enterprise. It is vital that good and thorough planning is done before any decision is made about making an investment so that it can be detected as soon as possible, what will be viable or not, thereby preventing the risk of being lost time and money and see the failure of your enterprise, even before it starts operating.


CAMARGOS, Izabela Giovanini; SANTOS, Naiara Dias Ferreira dos. Contador empreendedor: um estudo sobre pontos a serem observados na constituição de um escritório de contabilidade sob a ótica de um plano de negócio. 2020. 34 f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis ) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



May 14, 2020