Business plan: Soapshop


Daiana Luiza Deodato
Isabela Gonçalves de Almeida
Maurina Maria De Sousa de Oliveira


entrepreneurship, digital marketing, digital media, sales platforms


The development of this work was very important to complement the training as an administrator, as it was possible to confirm the perception of a problem and identify the best way to solve it. The business developed by SOAPSHOP aims to provide the customer with a cost-benefit ratio in relation to the acquisition of the benefit. The service will be known in the market through digital media and indication of the customers themselves. The main threats were identified as strong competitors and customers' fears in relation to security in online payment transactions, opportunities for the growth of e-commerce and the increase of Digital Marketing channels, forces low maintenance costs and business focused on environmental and company weaknesses not known in the market and the team's little experience.


DEODATO, Daiana Luiza; ALMEIDA, Isabela Gonçalves de; OLIVEIRA, Maurina Maria De Sousa de. Plano de negócio: Soapshop. 2020. 45f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 24, 2020