Business plan: Itur


Gabriela Laudares Silva
Stephanie Bastos da Silva
Yuri Rodrigues de Oliveira


travel management, travel market, tourism


The creation of this application is based on making life easier for people who like to travel, thus having the convenience to choose their destination without having major concerns, providing customers with options of various choices, through the application providing convenience, being able to make reverses from anywhere. With this work, it was possible to realize the complexity of creating an application, and making it in the business scope, analyzing internal and external environments, providing improvements against market variables, making it possible to trace long-term projects, within marketing adjustments against the strategy of business.


SILVA, Gabriela Laudares; SILVA, Stephanie Bastos da; OLIVEIRA, Yuri Rodrigues de. Plano de negócio: Itur. 2020. 34f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 24, 2020