Business plan: A.M. Electronic Control of Commands


Alexandra Pires
Milena Ávila Pinto
Thayna Pereira Souto


consumo de bebidas, time control, entrepreneurship


A. M. Electronic Control of Controls offers a technology that makes it possible to control the consumption of beverages by customers, based on the control of the consumption time of each one. To be implemented in bars, restaurants, fast food chains (food companies that leave the drink free for their customers to consume) and at contracted parties, its main form of use is through the placement of a bar reader in the soda machine or in the beer tower (alcoholic beverage) and a barcode printed on the beverage glass. Consequently, this technology helps in the projection of stock (which facilitates the purchase of replacement products, being the most correct and specific) and, also, in controlling the loss and theft of beverages.


PIRES, Alexandra; PINTO, Milena Ávila; SOUTO, Thayna Pereira. Plano de negócio: A.M Controle eletrônico de comandas. 2021. 50f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 30, 2021