Business plan: Aurum Confecções LTDA


Laryssa Vasconcelos de Castro Amado
Natasha Hellen Ferreira Souza
Vitória Cerceau Marteleto


orthopedic shoe market, entrepreneurship, female public


Aurum will be a company that will manufacture and market women's orthopedic shoes with a differentiated design, providing people with more comfort, health, practicality and, above all, without leaving aesthetics aside, as it is essential for a good personal appearance within a company or even at a social event. With the concern of the health of the feet, which are harmed by the use of inappropriate and uncomfortable shoes, therefore, it will provide this material for people and companies, having above all quality, practicality and without abusive prices, thus giving freedom to everyone purchase Aurum products.


AMADO, Laryssa Vasconcelos De Castro; SOUZA, Natasha Hellen Ferreira; MARTELETO, Vitória Cerceau. Plano de negócio: Aurum confecções ltda. 2019. 50f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019