Business plan: KSW Events


Kayo Marcell Tabosa de Nobrega
Sandro José Pereira Gonçalves
Wasley Willian Madureira Pinto


business, entrepreneurship, event market


Brazil has always been known worldwide, for the good reception and joy of the Brazilian people and competence in running large events. The event organizers and suppliers in the segment are increasingly prepared and committed to improving the quality of services provided. Therefore, the events market in our country is expanding and growing on average 14% per year, according to a survey carried out by ABEOC Brasil responsible for the economic dimensioning of the events industry in Brazil. In light of the above, KSW Eventos aims to provide planning and project execution services such as fairs, stand assembly, concerts, conferences, seminars, corporate and cultural events.


NOBREGA, Kayo Marcell Tabosa de; GONÇALVES, Sandro José Pereira; PINTO, Wasley Willian Madureira. Plano de negócio: KSW Eventos. 2019. 48f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019