Business plan: Life Tour


Ângela Regina de Souza Procópio Carvalho
Gleydson Magalhães Fonseca
Jefferson Tinoco Faria


business, entrepreneurship, tourism market, trips


Life Tour operates in the tourism sector and is specialized in services for seniors, with the objective of providing leisure and entertainment for the public who seek to know and enjoy the natural and cultural beauties of Minas Gerais, through tours through the countryside combined with events gastronomic and artisanal. The company arose from the idea of ​​investing in the tourism sector in Minas Gerais, for a public that is constantly growing, the elderly population, which, according to the IBGE - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, in 2012 the population aged 60 years or more was of 25.4 million. Life Tour has an exclusive travel model, specific itineraries for various places in the interior of Minas Gerais, cultural and gastronomic events, providing its customers with a vehicle with the right size to access the narrow streets of historic cities, aiming at more comfort and safety for tourists.


CARVALHO, Ângela Regina de Souza Procópio; FONSECA, Gleydson Magalhães; FARIA, Jefferson Tinoco. Plano de negócio: Life Tour. 2019. 56f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019