Business plan: Wal Bakery Food


Ariana Ferreira Menezes da Silva
Liha Carolina do Belem Faria Cerceau
Washington Ferreira Mota


business, entrepreneurship, food market, bakery


Wal Bakery Food  is a mobile bakery selling its own products, its target audience is the residents of the residential condominium Mundi, located on Rua Gentil Portugal, Camargos neighborhood in Belo Horizonte. The project aims to meet the need for practicality and quality by proposing innovation in its form of marketing, which will take place through a bakery truck that will work in the morning and afternoon from Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings.


SILVA, Ariana Ferreira Menezes da; CERCEAU, Liha Carolina do Belem Faria; MOTA, Washington Ferreira. Plano de negócio: Wal Bakery Food. 2019. 46f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019