Business plan: Skewer Philosophy


Felipe Tadeu de Almeida Gomes


comércio, empreendedorismo, mercado de bares


This business plan aims to create the company Filosofia do Espeto Ltda. Through personal interest combined with experience acquired during the course of administration, and the experience of one of the partners in this field in his family environment, the idea of ​​creating a company in this segment emerged. In a survey carried out, it is observed that Belo Horizonte has several bars, being even considered by many as the “bar capital”. However, it appears that in units and also by number of users, the central south region stands out. Therefore, for this research, Bairro Carlos Prates was chosen because it observed that there are only three direct competitors with a structure that is totally different from the proposal that considers structure and attractions the part that benefits this project at the expense of others. The intention is to meet the repressed demand of a family environment and attract consumers in neighboring neighborhoods, such as: Lagoinha, Santo André and Bonfim, which have the same needs in this segment, and also to hold happy hour, birthday parties and corporate events. Filosofia do Espeto aims to serve 50 customers daily. For this, it is intended to hire 1 employee for the kitchen, 1 for service, 2 partners and even freelancers, depending on the movement on weekends. The company will offer on its menu typical dishes, snacks, drinks, natural juices and various types of beers, aiming above all at the customer experience with the service provided.



GOMES, Felipe Tadeu de Almeida. Plano de negócio: Filosofia do espeto. 2020. 43f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



June 30, 2020