Business plan: Halk Consulting


Gabriella Rosmaninho Bhering
Luís Felipe Santos de Castro
Samuel de Santos Almeida


consultancy, entrepreneurship, digital marketing


Based on the consultancy model, advising the best actions towards achieving goals and objectives in the digital environment. A complete diagnosis of the company's actions is carried out, analyzing the positive and negative points, the opportunities and threats, drawing up a SWOT matrix. With the main objective of providing the client with a better view of the performance in the strategies, through adequate and appropriate tools to carry out all possible market analyses. This analysis is necessary to present the strategies that link the company to the behavior of the market and its customers. Halk Consultoria will make available in its portfolio of services provided, the structuring of the personalized digital presence for each company, respecting its size, potential and objectives/expectations of the client, along with all monitoring of the results obtained via digital Marketing, following the meeting steps initial with managers, definition of tools and costs, definition of performance indicators and control of indicators.


BHERING, Gabriella Rosmaninho; CASTRO, Luís Felipe Santos de; ALMEIDA, Samuel de Santos. Plano de negócio: Halk consultoria. 2020. 51f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



June 30, 2020