Plano de negócio: Indústria Impervia


Arthur Gomes Fernandes
Patrik Alexsander Silva
Guilherme Alchantara


Asphalt blankets, Waterproofing, Construction


Indústria Impervia LTDA will be destined to the production of asphalt blankets for waterproofing in civil construction in general. It will be the first asphalt blanket factory in the state of Minas Gerais. At the moment, all consumption of asphalt blanket in Minas Gerais comes from the state of São Paulo. At the beginning, all production, 30,000 m2/month will be destined to a company of the same group, which is Impervia Impermeabilizantes LTDA. The company will have its facilities in the city of Mateus Leme/MG, precisely in the Industrial District. The capital to be invested in the implementation of the enterprise will be approximately R$ 4,000,000.00. Production in the first month will be 30,000 m2, generating revenue of R$360,000.00/month and a profit of R$120,000/month, therefore within a pessimistic view, that is, no increase in revenue, the return on invested capital will be in 60 months (5 years).


FERNANDES, Arthur Gomes; SILVA, Patrik Alexsander; ALCHANTARA, Guilherme. Plano de negócio: Indústria Impervia. 2018. 34f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

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July 3, 2018