Business plan: Odontofácil


Adriano Soares Silva
Jose Cosme Damião Nestor Moreira
Lilia Aparecida Barbosa


business, services provision, dental treatments


 Odontofácil is a for-profit company in the field of commerce and services whose main objective is to connect people in need of dental treatment with independent dentists, clinics and hospitals in the area of ​​various dental treatments. Odontofácil's main differential is the fact that the company does not work with a dental plan that requires monthly payment, and a loyalty period, the simplicity of the process in which the customer recharges the card only when they need to undergo some type of dental treatment, attracts the client. Our main clients are men and women who live in the poorest regions of Belo Horizonte and the metropolitan region, and who are unable to pay for a dental plan.


SILVA. Adriano Soares; MOREIRA, Jose Cosme Damião Nestor; BARBOSA, Lilia Aparecida. Plano de negócio: Odontofácil. 2020. 40f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



June 30, 2020