Business plan: Show Easy


Jader Ferreira da Silva Filho
Leandro Pinheiro de Oliveira
Michael Jordan Barbosa Fernandes


business, events, music market


Show Easy works to cover customer service interested in events in Belo Horizonte and the region, maintaining direct contact with its customers via the app platform. So, our customers can hire a music service without having to leave home, and with a value that fits their budget, with the guarantee of quality and that their needs will be met. It also has suppliers such as Amazon, which provides its servers, and Fueled, which is the developer of the application. It is a company focused on accelerating digital transformation, creating applications on the main operating systems (Android and iOS), website development, creation of visual identity, marketing automation, data analysis and others. Aims to work clearly and with the greatest possible security working in the music market, in a way that has never been addressed before. Valuing the service of those active in the market and providing the necessary visibility so that they can perpetuate their work. In addition to demonstrating the quality and diversity of Brazilian artists, bringing culture and joy to the events of end customers.


SILVA FILHO, Jader Ferreira da; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Pinheiro de; FERNANDES, Michael Jordan Barbosa. Plano de negócio: Show fácil. 2020. 53f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



June 30, 2020