Report by the consultant Luiza Paula De Almeida Bergamini Bêtonico presented to the company Lú Modas Ltda.


Luiza Paula de Almeida Bergamini Bêtonico


retail business, business consulting, feminine clothes


In an initial analysis of the company's organizational structure, it was possible to verify that the store has the potential to grow, but planning is needed to prepare the company, helping it to grow in an organized and solid manner. The intention of this consultancy is to propose solutions and strategies to improve the entire operating process of the company, it will enable the identification of the problems that the company has been presenting, and based on that, adapting possible solutions and improvements with low cost, quality and greater profitability. However, insurgent challenges demand new efforts to ensure the healthy growth of Lú Modas and its own survival. There is, then, the need to carry out adequate planning, seeking to better prepare the company to face the difficult times, when many entrepreneurs do not survive in the market and the limitations caused, in most cases, by inadequate administration. At the end, a proposal for implementing the actions suggested to the company is presented and whether or not they were developed in the organization.



BÊTONICO, Luiza Paula De Almeida Bergamini. Relatório da consultora Luiza Paula de Almeida Bergamini Bêtonico apresentado á empresa Lú Modas Ltda. 2020. 27f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 30, 2020