JA Consultoria Group's consultancy report presented to the company Joseane Josina da Encarnação


Aline André da Silva
Jader Ferreira da Silva Filho


business, business consulting, food market, savory


Consulting work was developed by the JA Consultoria group, composed of students Aline André da Silva and Jader Ferreira da Silva Filho, at the company Do Carmo Congelados, managed by Joseane Josina da Encarnação, from 08/31/2020 to 11/08/ 2020. The manager's main objective with this consultancy was to improve the dissemination of products, on which the group focused its attention on developing activities. This report contains a brief presentation of the company, a diagnosis carried out, a summary of the activities carried out by the group and the suggestions for improvements identified. At the end of this consultancy, a proposal for implementing the suggested actions is presented. The company Do Carmo frozen works in the frozen snacks manufacturing sector, especially for home consumption, better known as party snacks, aims to bring a little of the flavor of the parties into the consumer's home during the day to day. The snacks are sold in trays with 25 units and range from simple coxinhas to finer shrimp and leek quiche snacks, vegan and vegetarian snacks.


SILVA, Aline André da; SILVA FILHO, Jader Ferreira da. Relatório de consultoria do Grupo JA Consultoria apresentado à empresa Joseane Josina da Encarnação. 2020. 21f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 30, 2020