Pricing and market research: ideal price for service and product so that there are no losses


Erika Cardoso Vidal Rodrigues
Marcos Paulo da Silva Castro


pricing, COVID-19, calculations, financial crisis


The pricing of products and services is of great importance because so many people are interested in owning their own business and no longer need to work for other people. Objective: This work has an explanatory research, which seeks to provide readers with formulas to perform calculations on products and services. Method: The research is based on interest in the growth of self-employed workers (registered or not) during the COVID-19 period, given the country's financial difficulties. Result: It was found that there is not much data on this growth, which made the percentage survey difficult, but it was possible to exemplify how the calculations are made to arrive at the ideal price, without any losses and that the values ​​are within the compatible market value. Conclusion: All expenses must be taken into account, from the lowest value, since through these values, surveys are made to identify the value to be placed on the product or service.


RODRIGUES, Erika Cardoso Vidal; CASTRO, Marcos Paulo da Silva. Precificação e pesquisa de mercado: preço ideal para serviço e produto para que não haja prejuízos. 2021. 25 f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis ) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 30, 2021