Final consulting report: A&L consulting


Alvaro Oliveira de Faria
Lorraine Cristina Caetano dos Santos


business, entrepreneurship, strategic planning


This final report refers to the consultancy carried out by A & L Consultoria Empresarial Ltda in the company Mercearia Esperança, during the period from 10/19/2019 to 11/09/2019. The company A & L Consulting is made up of students Lorraine Cristina Caetano dos Santos and Alvaro Oliveira de Fatia, both management students at FAMIG. To carry out this visit, four visits were made on Saturdays and they were accompanied by the founder and owner Maria de Fátima and her partner Alvino Pereira, who explained the need for improvements in the organization, control of the company and in attracting new customers, this being the focus of the main actions taken by A & L consultancy.


FARIA, Alvaro Oliveira de; SANTOS, Lorraine Cristina Caetano dos. Relatório final de consultoria: A & L consultoria. 2019. 22 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019