Consulting report from the TAC Consultoria group commemorating the company Terra & Foliações


Ângela Regina de Souza Procópio Carvalho
Jefferson Tinoco Faria
Júlia Alves da Silva Neves


business, entrepreneurship, semi-jewel foliation, metal treatment and coating


This report describes the consultancy activities carried out by the TAC Consultoria Empresarial group, composed of students Ângela Regina de Souza Procópio Carvalho, Jefferson Tinoco Faria and Júlia Alves Neves, at Terra & Foliações LTDA ME, from 09/19/2019 to 26 /11/2019. As a company that retains its customers through the quality of its services, the managers of Terra & Foliações LTDA ME sought with this consultancy help in the organization of their internal processes, aiming at continuous improvements in work processes, which is the focus of activities developed by the group.


CARVALHO, Ângela Regina de Souza Procópio; FARIA, Jefferson Tinoco; NEVES, ConfiguraçõesJúlia Alves da Silva. Relatório final de consultoria: TAC consultoria empresarial. 2019. 22 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019