BE GOLD Consulting group consultancy report presented to Alenir Modas


Fábio Junio Costa Gabriel
Simone Lopes Araújo
Thamires Barbosa de Ávila


consultancy, textile artifacts, apparel faction sector


A consultancy work was developed by the BE GOLD group, composed of students Fábio Gabriel, Simone Araújo and Thamires Barbosa, at the company Alenir Modas in the period between 09/12/2019 to 10/27/2019. The main objective of the consultancy was to promote greater organization in the entrances and exits of the parts that customers washed to make repairs, improving the way of publicizing the work carried out by the company. In which the group focused its attention for the development of activities. In this report there is a brief presentation of the company, the diagnosis carried out to look for the points to be worked on, a summary of the activities developed by the group and the suggestions for improvements to be applied.


GABRIEL, Fábio Junio Costa; ARAÚJO, Simone Lopes; ÁVILA, Thamires Barbosa de. Relatório de consultoria do grupo BE GOLD Consulting apresentado a empresa Alenir Modas. 2019. 21 f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019