Consulting report by the Zhanlue Consulting Group presented to the company only Freios e Cardans Ltda.


Felipe Augusto Ferreira Costa
Phillipe Gabriel Rocha Monteiro
Rafael Costa de Oliveira


organizational strategic actions, consultancy, strategic planning, vehicles


A consultancy work was developed by the Zhanlue Consultoria group, composed of students Felipe Augusto Ferreira Costa, Phillipe Gabriel Rocha Monteiro and Rafael Costa de Oliviera, at Só Freios e Cardans Lrda, in the period between 10/02/2019 and 11/20/ 2019 The manager's main objective with this consultancy was to improve organizational strategic actions, reformulate some internal procedures and develop a marketing plan for publicizing the company, on which the group focused its attention for the development of activities. This report includes a brief presentation of the company, diagnosis carried out, summary of activities developed by the group and suggestions for improvements identified. At the end, a proposal for the implementation of the suggested actions that were not worked on is presented.


COSTA, Felipe Augusto Ferreira; MONTEIRO, Phillipe Gabriel Rocha; OLIVEIRA, Rafael Costa de. Relatório de consultoria do grupo Zhanlue Consultoria apresentado à empresa só Freios e Cardans Ltda. 2019. 24 f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019