Consulting report by Magalhães Consultoria presented to the company Santos Resende Construções e Reformas


Gleydson Magalhães Fonseca


consultancy, management, administrative procedures, branch of constructions and rules


A consultancy work was developed by Magalhães Consultoria, represented by the student Gleydson Magalhães Fonseca, at the company Santos Resende Construções e Reformas, from 05/06/2019 to 05/21/2019. Visits were made to the company in order to obtain more information about the operation, physical space and the need for improvement in the administrative and financial aspects. During these visits, the diagnosis of the administrative and financial area was elaborated, which showed that the company has problems of financial control and administrative processes, in addition to having a disorganized and poorly structured management. This report contains a brief presentation of the company, the diagnosis carried out, a summary of the activities developed by the consultant and the suggestions for improvements identified. At the end, a proposal for the implementation of the suggested actions is presented, which have not yet been worked on.


FONSECA, Gleydson Magalhães. Relatório de consultoria de Magalhães Consultoria apresentado à empresa Santos Resende Construções e Reformas. 2019. 16f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019