Final consulting report: Belvi Consulting Group


Isabelli Marcelini Santos
Viviane Cecília Pereira Vieira


financial monitoring, consultancy, company disclosure, pet market


A consultancy work was carried out by BELVI, composed of the students Isabelli Marcelini Santos and Viviane Cecília Pereira Vieira, at the company Ferreira e Lima Representações Pet, in the second half of 2019. The main objective of the partners with the consultancy service was to implement improvements in the financial monitoring and disclosure of the company in which the group focused its attention for the performance of activities. Visits were carried out in order to get to know the company and its routines, to draw up an action plan to maximize results through the data collected. This document presents a brief history of the company, diagnosis carried out, summary of the activities developed by the company BELVi and suggestions for diagnosed improvements. At the end, a proposal for the implementation of the suggested actions is presented, which have not yet been worked on.


SANTOS, Isabelli Marcelini; VIEIRA, Viviane Cecília Pereira. Relatório final de consultoria: Grupo BELVI Consultoria. 2019. 19 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019