Final consulting report: Halk Consulting


Luís Felipe
Samuel Almeida
Wellington Uchôa


sale of uniforms, consultancy, product announcements via social media, military, online sales


A consultancy work was developed by the Halk Consultoria group, composed of the students Luís Felipe, Samuel Almeida and Wellington Uchôa, at the company Ponto Militar, in the period between August 31 and November 30, 2019. The main objective of the manager for this consultancy was the creation of methods to carry out sales through online and the dissemination of its products through social media, in which the group focused its attention on the development of activities, to achieve the main objective. This report contains a brief presentation of the company, diagnosis carried out, summary of activities developed by the group and suggestions for improvements identified. At the end, a proposal for the implementation of the suggested actions is presented, which have not yet been worked on.



FELIPE, Luís; ALMEIDA, Samuel; UCHÔA, Wellington. Relatório final de consultoria: Halk Consultoria. 2019. 20 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019