Family constellation: family systemic constellation and its effectiveness through conflict resolution


Débora Campos da Cruz
Luana Hai Ribeiro Lopes
Sarah Lins Silva Colares


systemic family constellation, mediation, conflict resolution


This article aims to address how the practice of Systemic Constellations applied in the Judiciary Power can help to resolve conflicts. To this end, a brief introduction was made regarding the means of self-composition, encouraged through Law 13.140 of 2015, which deals with the mediation of conflicts, as well as the Code of Civil Procedure, Law 13,105 of 2015. Afterwards, the origin of the systemic practice by the German Bert Hellinger, and demonstrated how the techniques developed by him have been used in Brazil by the forerunner of the practice in the Brazilian Judiciary, Judge Sami Storch, data from the National Council of Justice were presented that prove the effectiveness of the practice in the system judicial. The approach was limited to family conflicts, demonstrating how the practice of Systemic Constellation can be able to effectively resolve family disputes that seek legal approval and go further, solving conflicts of a subjective order that involve these microsystems.


CRUZ, Débora Campos da; LOPES, Luana Hai Ribeiro; COLARES, Sarah Lins Silva. Constelação familiar: constelação sistêmica familiar e sua eficácia mediante a solução de conflitos. 2021. 33f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021