Crime against sexual dignity: sexual harassment in Brazil


Deisiane Fernanda Faustino
Higor Sidney A. B. Lage


libidinous act, criminal code, sexual harassment, Law 13,718/2018


The present work aims to promote a study on crimes against sexual dignity, in particular the new criminal classification of Sexual Harassment, verifying that the crime is based on the criminal legislation in force, established by Law - No. 13,718/2018. In this way, the true meaning of Sexual Harassment and the difference between the crimes of Rape and Sexual Harassment will be elucidated and conceptualized; demonstrate the State's concern, as well as the legislator's notes when creating this new Law; clarify that Sexual Intrusion can happen anywhere, even virtually; present the difficulties that the victims face when making such a complaint; pointing out whether the legislator is really prepared to deal with this crime and the importance of the study called victimology in specific cases. The methodology applied in this study was based on research sources, bibliographic consultations, laws, doctrines, jurisprudence, scientific articles and articles on the subject. Thus, concluding that the creation of the law and the tightening of the penalty were necessary.


FAUSTINO, Deisiane Fernanda; LAGE, Higor Sidney A. B. Crime contra a dignidade sexual: importunação sexual no Brasil. 2021. 48f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021