The housing crisis in Brazil and the right to the city


Eduardo Henrique da Rocha Carvalho


housing crisis, right to the city, social property function, social movements, public policy


This monograph has as its main objective to establish the relationships between the right to the city, to housing and to property, demonstrating how these rights, often taken from the part of the financially less affluent population, only reinforce inequalities and foment the housing crisis in the country. From a methodological point of view, bibliographic research was used to elucidate the question debated. As a relevant result, it was noted the importance of applying the law and popular initiatives in order to reduce the socio-spatial segregation in which we are inserted and to end the inequalities that surround us since before the first industrialization and urbanization processes. Thus, it is extremely necessary to discuss the right to the city and how it is entirely connected and affects the application of the social function of property.


CARVALHO, Eduardo Henrique da Rocha. A crise habitacional no brasil e o direito à cidade. 2021. 64f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021