Marriage, stable union and concubinage: the fine line between acquired right and the primacy of reality


Elaine Miguel de Oliveira Rodrigues


right, families, legislation, simultaneous relations


The purpose of this article is to put the situations experienced in the context of various family entities on the perspective of society, and by the will of the parties, they only start a relationship, without worrying about the state's view. In order to address and welcome the topic, it was used as a means of research for better understanding, the doctrines that differ on the subject, the laws that do not have a case by case forecast, requiring the support of jurisprudence and understandings within the specific case. , even so, after exploring the theme, it will be understood that there is much to evolve and deal with the theme more clearly, so that the one in good faith can have his rights protected.


RODRIGUES, Elaine Miguel de Oliveira. Casamento, união estável e concubinato: a linha tênue entre o direito adquirido e a primazia da realidade. 2021. 19f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021