Criminology: the importance of understanding the factors of crime


Francielle da Silva Pereira
Gabriela Gomides Faria


criminal sciences, criminology, crime control


This article is about the importance of criminology to understand the factors of crime, analyzing criminality as a social phenomenon. The objective is to analyze the importance of the study of criminology for criminal law in an attempt to reduce crime. Still, we will see the difference between criminology and other disciplines called criminal sciences, which are sometimes confused with criminology, having their differences very clear, but still correlated. Understand the objects of criminology; crime, criminal, victim and social control of crime. Analyze currents in Criminology that will attack the definition of crime, no longer questioning the causes that lead someone to commit crimes, to question why someone is labeled a criminal, inquiring the legitimacy of this attribution, understanding criminality as a social phenomenon. Finally, searching demonstrates how important it is to invest more in research in this area, given that in Brazil there is little attention focused on this topic, being a country with a high rate of crimes. For this purpose, exploratory, bibliographical and qualitative research was used, using doctrine and specialization courses and legal articles as a basis, in order to provide information for a more precise investigation. It can be concluded that it seeks a greater proximity to the topic, in order to build ideas and thoughts, making it clearer to the reader the possible causes that lead human beings to commit a crime.


PEREIRA, Francielle da Silva; FARIA, Gabriela Gomides. Criminologia: a importância de entender os fatores do crime. 2021. 17f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021