The anti-crime package as an expression of the enemy's criminal law and its impact on the punitive system


Gabriel Francisco dos Santos Soares
Jefferson Van de Pol Conforti


criminal law of the enemy, anti-crime package, penitentiary system


Law No. 13.964 / 2019, known as the Anti-Crime Package, came into force on January 23, 2020 and brought several changes to the criminal and procedural criminal laws, aimed at combating corruption, tackling organized crime and violent
crime. This study seeks to analyze such changes, due to the promoted criminal upsurge and its negative impacts on the Brazilian prison system, from the perspective of the enemy's criminal law theory, as well as the influence of social and media outcry in the production of laws that, in at first, they generate a sense of security in the population, but they are not enough to reduce crime, contributing to the worsening of the prison situation and the high rates of recidivism. In this research, the deductive method was used, starting from general arguments to specific arguments, in addition to the presentation of statistical data related to the prison system. What we intend to demonstrate is that the Anticrime Package, despite its
2.3.1 Legalidade ou reserva legal 17 2.3.2 Individualização das penas 18initial objective, presents certain measures that are not effective and sufficient to curb the phenomenon of criminality in Brazil.


SOARES, Gabriel Francisco dos Santos; CONFORTI, Jefferson Van de Pol. o pacote anticrime como expressão do direito penal do inimigo e seus impactos no sistema punitivo. 2021. 57f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021