Anti-crime package and the prison system: maximum prison time for 40 years


Gabriela Gonçalves dos Reis
Michaela Francine da Silva Alves


anti-crime package, maximum time, prison, prison system, unconstitutionality


This article deals with the Anti-Crime Package and the prison system, as well as the change regarding the maximum prison term from 30 to 40 years. Furthermore, the aforementioned article addresses that the anti-crime package violates the provisions of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Criminal Execution Law, since some rights provided for in Brazilian law are being violated, taking into account the purpose of the penalty in criminal law, as well as the penalties that are prohibited in the Brazilian legal system. In this sense, it is highlighted that the research problem revolves around trying to answer whether the legislative change was beneficial or not for society as a whole, based on the methodology of bibliographic research, with data collection in books, jurisprudence and other sources, in addition to the application of the qualitative technique in order to understand the details of the information obtained.


REIS, Gabriela Gonçalves dos; ALVES, Michaela Francine da Silva. Pacote anticrime e o sistema carcerário: tempo

máximo de prisão para 40 anos. 2021. 34f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021