(Re)thinking socio-educational measures and the accountability of the minor offender


Guilherme Ferreira Custódio


efficiency, educational measures, minor offender, criminal minority, accountability of the minor offender


When analyzing the applicability of socio-educational measures, the accountability of the minor offender and recidivism, it is possible to observe that there is still much to debate on the subject. Based on this, this textual review was proposed, which was based on a qualitative bibliographic research and whose main objective is to analyze the conditions that influence minors to practice and reoffend in the practice of infraction acts. As specific objectives, we sought to present the historical and conceptual aspects about the infraction and the socio-educational measures; define the profile of the adolescent who committed an offense; to raise the challenges and confrontations about the accountability and responsibility of minors in conflict with the law, as well as the realization of rights and guarantees for these minors, emphasizing the importance of family support in the effectiveness and applicability of socio-educational measures. Among the results obtained, it was observed that the minor offenders, even after being subjected to the penalties determined in the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), return most of the time to practicing criminal conduct. It is concluded, therefore, that there are several challenges and confrontations to guarantee the effectiveness and applicability of socio-educational measures, that is, so that the pedagogical and socializing objectives to which they are destined are reached. For that, there must be the participation and commitment


CUSTÓDIO, Guilherme Ferreira. (Re)pensando as medidas socioeducativas e a responsabilização do menor infrator. 2021. 51f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021