State x individual relations regarding the exercise and influence of the fundamental rights of manifestation, conscience and expression in the face of contemporary technological and social developments and their effects.


Gustavo Barreto da Silva


crime, state, internet, freedom of expression, networks


Nowadays freedom of expression as a fundamental right of the individual permeated by technological resources and in the different networks may be distorted through the relative interpretation in the diverse impressions of the various ones or even through the commission of crimes mainly against honor, often using the Anonymity of technological means. State interference regarding the independence, interpretation, punishment or even protection of this right has legal limitations such as which can be for times extrapolated and bidding for a form of population control corroborating for the degradation of this constitutional right.


SILVA, Gustavo Barreto da. Relações estado x indivíduo quanto ao exercício e influência dos direitos fundamentais de manifestação, consciência e expressão perante as evoluções tecnológicas e sociais contemporâneas e seus efeitos. 2021. 51f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021