Black code in the crime of abortion and the criminological problem


Heron Pereira Lima
Hilton Junio de Lima Souza


abortion, crime, black cipher, decriminalization


This course conclusion work in article format aims to analyze the problem of the so-called black number in relation to the crime of abortion from the perspective of criminology. The black number, an expression used in criminology, refers to the percentage of crimes not solved or punished by the State due to the lack of knowledge of the practice of certain crime on his part. Among these crimes is the crime of abortion, which, with some exceptions, is punished criminally in Brazil and is the subject of several controversies, precisely because it is considered a crime with a high degree of social disapproval and its impacts imply in several fields. The research methodology used was deductive. In the end, it was possible to conclude that a possible solution to the problem presented here is the decriminalization of this criminal type.


LIMA, Heron Pereira; SOUZA, Hilton Junio de Lima. Cifra negra no crime do aborto e a problemática criminológica. 2021. 20f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021