Mandatory vaccine against covid-19: collision of fundamental principles individual liberty and the right to life.


Idelmara Jaisa Vilela Fernandes
Thiago Nascimento Michetti


COVID-19, freedom, constitutional principles, mandatory vaccination, life


Faced with the pandemic that plagues the world and among the various political, social and legal differences and discussions arising from this plague, the present work seeks to build a legal analysis of the discussion generated around the mandatory vaccination of every Brazilian citizen. The aim of this study is to examine the constitutional principles of the right to life and the right to individual liberty in the debate in question. This discussion is motivated by the scientific fact that individual immunization caused by vaccination can influence the whole community and reduce the risks of transmission. The methodology used in this study was bibliographic research. The text is based on a brief explanation of the emergence of the disease and arrival in the country, continuing with the main historical milestones of vaccination in Brazil and its divergences of acceptance throughout history as well as in the present, discussing legal aspects on such matters, praising the analysis of the right to life and individual liberty. Thus, it comes to the conclusion that due to the strong global threat to life caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an important ally in the fight against the epidemic disease is mass vaccination, which is necessarycarry out a consideration of constitutional principles, as a consequence of the principle of proportionality, advocating compulsory vaccination of the entire population, bringing reasonable sanctions to those who refuse to be immunized.



FERNANDES, Idelmara Jaisa Vilela; MICHETTI, thiago Nascimento. Obrigatoriedade da vacina contra covid-19:

colisão de princípios fundamentais liberdade individual e direito à vida. 2021. 32f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021