Social isolation: the impact of these phenomena in relation to domestic violence against women


Katiuscia Rejane de Faria


COVID-19, social isolation, Maria da Penha, domestic violence


The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the consequences that social isolation, due to the pandemic by COVID-19, brought to women who suffer from domestic violence, as well as to verify the measures that were taken to ensure the protection of these women. Thus, this study will address the conceptual aspects of domestic violence, as well as address the Maria da Penha Law, demonstrating its function and effectiveness. In the sequence, a brief synthesis about the pandemic and the necessary social isolation will be carried out, to later demonstrate the reflexes that it brought in the Brazilian legal system, in addition to investigating whether the inserted procedures will be permanently valid and will continue to be applied positively in favor of the victims. For this, the methodology used consisted of bibliographic research, analysis of published scientific articles, legislation, and jurisprudence relevant to the proposed theme. With the present study, it can be concluded that the social isolation resulting from the current pandemic contributed significantly to the increase in domestic violence


FARIA, Katiuscia Rejane de. Isolamento social: os impactos deste fenômeno em relação a violência doméstica contra mulheres. 2021. 23f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021