Brazilian prison system: the effectiveness of the social reintegration measures adopted by the Brazilian prison system in the search for resocialization


Laércio José da Costa


human dignity, prison penalty, reinsertion, reintegration, prevention theory


The present study aims to analyze the importance of public policies in the Brazilian prison system and of social reintegration measures that make possible the reintegration of (ex) inmates into society, contributing to the effectiveness of the resocialization of inmates. To carry out the present study, Bibliographic Research was used, focusing on doctrines and publications in books and dictionaries, periodicals, magazine articles, web pages and scientific conference proceedings. We sought to analyze the impacts of laws, measures and governmental actions that prevent the advancement of socio-educational support to inmates and egresses, although the description of actions and public policies implemented in Brazil has not been the subject of discussion in this article. The study demonstrates that, although many actions are being carried out by the state and its partnerships, there are many pending issues and problems in the Brazilian prison system that often prevent such actions from being successful. Thus, it is concluded that the act of removing from social life offenders who committed crimes that harmed others in society is legitimate, however, the withdrawal of freedom does not exclude the State's obligation to this part of society, despite actions and programs aimed at maintaining the individual's other human rights and also for the legality of acts imposed by justice.


COSTA, Laércio José da. Sistema prisional brasileiro: a efetividade das medidas de reintegração social adotadas pelo sistema prisional brasileiro na busca pela ressocialização. 2021. 25f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021