Necessary heirs: when they lose the righr to succeed


Laiza Rodrigues Mayer
Sérgio Couto Rodrigues Junior


concrete cases, civil code, disinheritance, exclusion for indignity, necessary heirs, PL 3.145/2015, PL 867/2011


This article intends to carry out a study on the possibilities of loss of the right to succeed the necessary heirs, bringing in its body of text the legal hypotheses provided for in articles 1,814, 1,962 and 1,963 of the Civil Code of 2002. In addition, it intends to present new understandings presented by Senate Bill 118/2010, which gave rise to PL 867/2011, which aims to amend Chapters V and X of book V, Title I and III of the Civil Code (2002). Furthermore, it also intends to present the Bill of Law of the Chamber of Deputies 3,145/2015, which aims to include item V in articles 1,962 and 1,963 of CC/2002, which deals with the hypothesis of disinheritance in case of abandonment in hospitals, nursing homes , among other treatment sites. Finally, it also aims to present, in the same way, topics of extreme importance with an understanding of the Civil Code and of some scholars, seeking to allow a clear understanding of what the article deals with, exposing concrete cases about the probabilities of loss of the heirs' right to succeed. necessary for further clarification. The research method used to carry out this study was deductive. Regarding its procedure, bibliographic and documentary research was used, as well as exploratory and explanatory research regarding its objective.


MAYER, Laiza Rodrigues; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, Sérgio Couto. Herdeiros necessários: quando estes perdem o direito de

suceder. 2021. 30f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021