How do women deal with abortion?


Larissa Aparecida de Oliveira Santos


abortion, needy, women, they do


This article aims to talk about the right of life iof the fetus and how needy women deal with the practice of abortion, usinh the hyoithetical deductive method of researchm as the intention is to discuss abortion through doctines and scientific articles. Using the exploratory and explanatory methodology as concceptualizing theories about When life begins, it describes the reasons why a woman decides to abort, discuss the about when life begins, it describes, the reasons why a woman decides to abort, discuss the consequences of a legal abortion, analyze the risks a Woman suffers When having a legal abortion, and to explin, despite everything, they must have the right to live, since this is constitutional for everyone without any distinction, and since we have this right and our legislation does not allow the termination of pregnancy, there musr be investment in public policies to reduce these numbers that are increasingly more and more alarig still had as a theoretical eference eletronic articles and the indoctrinator Rogério Greco.


SANTOS, Larissa Aparecida de Oliveira.Como as mulheres carentes lidam com o aborto?. 2021. 15f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021