Procedural celerity due to Brazilian social security processes


Lucas Felipe Vieira de Souza


procedural certainty, INSS, social security processes


Access to justice is an indispensable means for the realization of human rights and essential to the achievement of the ends of democratic constitutional regimes, since there is no point in providing for a right that is not endowed with protection instruments. The ideal of an efficient and swift Judiciary is the one that most governs the provision of judicial protection today. This aspect becomes even more evident with regard to the discussion that involves rights under analysis in the Judiciary through numerous, massive demands. The Social Right to Welfare, specifically the material benefits included in the list of social security benefits established by the General Regime are rights that are in this situation. The minimum time required for the processing of a process, when time-consuming, causes irreparable damage to the parties, leading to insecurity because it is not satisfactory, fast and reliable. The present study seeks to make a discussion about the theme: Procedural speed due to social security processes. To this end, a literature review was carried out on laws, articles, books. It should be noted that social security rights must be enforced not only through the Judiciary Branch, but mainly through the Social Security Administration, which maintains a close relationship with the individual with regard to their intention to obtain or maintain a social security benefit. Therefore, it is necessary to critically and quickly analyze the social security administrative process, causing public administrators to act in strict compliance with the principles of legality and efficiency, thus meeting society's desires for a just social security relationship. and dignified.


SOUZA, Lucas Felipe Vieira de. Celeridade processual em razão dos processos previdenciários brasileiros. 2021. 39f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021