Company club: implications of the transformation of Brazilian football associations into business societies


Luciene Rufino Carvalho


sports associations, debts, business companies, soccer teams



The financial chaos and indebtedness of several football teams are widely reported. It is believed that one of the reasons that may have led to the increase in their debts is the fact that the clubs are sports associations and, for this reason, have less professionalization and greater fragility in administration. Faced with such a scenario, this work was developed in order to analyze the possibility and consequences of the transformation of sports associations into business societies, brought about by Law Project 5.082/16, which emerges as a solution to the current lack of professionalization of teams. For this, the analysis of the subject was divided into six chapters, with the introduction as the first chapter and the conclusion as the last.


CARVALHO, Luciene Rufino. Clube-empresa: implicações da transformação das associações do futebol brasileiro em sociedades empresárias. 2021. 40f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

Capa vermelha, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



June 12, 2021