Application of law no. 13.491/2017 and its innovations in the military environment


Pedro Henrique dos Santos Freitas
Ramon Buzeti


enforcement, military crimes, military criminal law, military justice, Law n° 13.491/2017


This article was developed with the purpose of obtaining the title of Bachelor of Laws from Famig Faculty and seeking to understand the application of law n° 13.491/2017, which provided a considerable change in the application of military justice on the military, especially when they are in service. This text proves to be relevant, so that applicators of Law can know and clarify relevant points such as the organization, expansion and competences of the military justices, both of the Union and of the States. This article in particular presents contents related to military justice in the state of Minas Gerais. In addition, in this text, the characteristics of military crimes and their particularities are denoted, which, when committed by military agents, result in military police investigations, which may subsidize military criminal action. Military Criminal Action that will also be the object of study in this text. Prepared through concepts and information from important scholars of Military Law, we present, accordingly, research and investigations in different texts and articles related to the subject, some of the results and effects of the legislative update brought about by Law n° 13.491/2017 in the Brazilian Military Penal Code.


FREITAS, Pedro Henrique dos Santos; BUZETI, Ramon. Aplicação da Lei n° 13.491/2017 e suas inovações no ambiente militar. 2021. 26f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021