Black cipher inserted in sex crime and the criminal justice system


Rafaela Lucas da Silva


criminology, crime against women, sexual integrity, victim gender, criminal justice system


This article presents concepts and doctrines related to the Black Cipher, more specifically to crimes of violation of Sexual Integrity included in the Black Cipher. Its high margin in Brazil by means of statistical records, the influence of education, social relations in the increase of sexual crime inserted in the Black Cipher, the effects of the consequences that the practice of the crime results in the life of the victim. In addition to discussing the criminal justice system in relation to sexual crimes and the victim, by means of Technical Norms and a decree law issued by the first President of Brazil, and measures to integrate public policies to which the public authorities are fully responsible, the state.


SILVA, Rafaela Lucas da. Cifra negra inserida no crime sexual e o sistema de justiça criminal. 2021. 16f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021