Fake news: the influence of media and social networks on the democratic process


Romário Carneiro Bitencourt


democracy, elections, fake news


The present work aims to analyze the aspects involving false news, called Fake News and, therefore, make a critical reflection on this theme, mainly in the context of the democratic process, more specifically concerning elections - which are a primary point in democracy, using bibliographic and jurisprudential research as a way to support the discussion, using keywords from articles and periodicals with up to 10 years of publication. In this sense, with a focus on the dissemination of false news through technology, such as social media, this theme has an interdisciplinary perspective between the criminal and constitutional legal sphere and the technological area (social media and algorithms). In addition, it aims to demonstrate the importance of investigating its consequences for the country's democracy and the society involved, thus demonstrating the importance of researching the Fake News theme in the democratic process, regarding its legal aspects and those related to technologies. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the expansion of the discussion in the legal, technological and democratic arena.


BITENCOURT, Romário Carneiro. Fake news: a influência da mídia e das redes sociais no processo democrático. 2021. 25f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021