Psychopathy and sociopathy: How does brazilian justice deal with these cases?
comparative law, criminal imputability, psychopathySynopsis
This paper aims to analyze the criminal responsibility of the homicidal psychopath based on the Brazilian legal system. For this, it starts from the analysis of psychology and psychiatry on the personality disorder of sociopaths and psychopaths, with the aim of understanding the profile and characteristics of these individuals who commit homicides. Afterwards, the concept of crime and guilt in Criminal Law will be presented to, finally, analyze the controversies that permeate the criminal responsibility of the homicidal psychopath based on criminal law, the best doctrine and jurisprudential decisions. We will also seek to present concrete cases of national repercussion, as well as to make a study in the legislation of the United States of America. It must be concluded, therefore, that the psychopath is affected by an organic anomaly while the sociopath develops the anomaly over the years and that both are attributable.
GOMES, Smile Alves. Psicopatia e sociopatia: como a justiça brasileira lida com esses casos?. 2021. 38f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.