The impact of artificial intelligence on law


Vitor Prates de Souza Lima


artificial intelligence, moroseness, judiciary


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that has already been implemented in several sectors, such as industries, medicine and physics. However, the application of this new technology in the legal world has been done through short steps, since the judiciary does not have the resources or even the knowledge to carry out such an update immediately. Therefore, through this article, existing initiatives in the judiciary will be analyzed, which make use of Artificial Intelligence, as well as the possibilities and benefits of a greater implementation of this technology in law will be demonstrated in an exemplary way. To this end, searches will be carried out on legal news portals, with the objective of identifying the projects for the use of Artificial Intelligence that already exist in the Brazilian legal sector. To research about the problem, the method used was the deductive, being analyzed bibliographic and documental research, as well as statistical data. It is concluded that the judiciary is in a very precarious situation, given the excessive number of processes and little available manpower, requiring even basic resources such as pen and paper. In this way, the implementation of technological resources in the judiciary, especially Artificial Intelligence, would generate significant impacts in relation to the most diverse legal sectors, thus reducing the need for labor in repetitive work and streamlining the processes of organization and public administration. , resulting in a decrease in public spending.


LIMA, Vitor Prates de Souza. Os impactos da inteligência artificial no direito. 2021. 19f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021