Plano de negócio: Podos Leve


Fernando de Jesus Ferreira
Rosilene Moreira Mendes
Silvana Rodrigues Santo


Podiatry, Clinic, Feet


The idea of ​​setting up the Podos Leve podiatry clinic came from thinking about how important foot care is and the growing demand for these services in the market. The attention and care of the feet is not just a matter of aesthetics or beautification, but of health and comfort. The health and wellness market is developing due to the increase in life expectancy of the Brazilian population. This fact was one of the reasons for investing in a foot care clinic, given that foot-related problems affect practically all types of people, of any social class and in any age group. The clinic will offer several Podiatry services that will be: a) "fisheye" plantar wart; b) Laser onychomycosis (ringworm); c) Hallux Orthosis; d) Toe orthosis e) Laser fissure (crack); f) Laser onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail); g) Common onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail) h) Plantar Peeling (Removal of calluses); i) Podiatry (General cleaning); j) Reflexology massage. The business differential will be specific quality care for foot health, aimed more at elderly and diabetic people in classes B and C, without discarding other classes and other people.


FERREIRA, Fernando de Jesus; MENDES, Rosilene Moreira; SANTO, Silvana Rodrigues. Plano de negócio: Podos Leve. 2018. 51f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

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July 3, 2018