Plano de negócio: Papá Delivery


Ariana Ribeiro Batista
Leia Joanna dos Santos
Stéfane Vilela de Oliveira


Foods, Natural, Frozen


Papá Delivery was born from three feelings that are so common in today's world: need, desire and difficulty. The company's objective is to help mothers who work outside the home and are faced with the challenge of introducing food for their babies and children. Our foods are natural and fresh, sanitized and prepared based on a menu carefully prepared by our nutritionist. Our baby food and meals are produced and frozen without preservatives, packed in recyclable packaging and free of bisphenol-A (BPA) that can be taken to the microwave or water bath. Bisphenol is a compound that is used in the manufacture of plastics. The marmitinhas are valid for 3 months and after thawed they can be kept in the fridge for up to 24 hours.


BATISTA, Ariana Ribeiro; SANTOS, Leia Joanna dos; OLIVEIRA, Stéfane Vilela de. Plano de negócio: Papá Delivery. 2018. 61f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

Capa azul, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



July 3, 2018