Consulting report presented to the company Rodrigues Variedades


Fernando Vinicius Teles Coimbra; Junio Cesar Ramalho Silva; Melissa Evelyn Azevedo Oliveira; Thalita Gabriele Rodrigues Pereira; Thayna Alves de Oliveira Machado


Consultancy, Varieties


This is the final report presented to the Business Consulting discipline, developed in the 8th period of the Administration course at FAMIG College. A consultancy work was developed by the group, composed of students Fernando Vinicius Teles Coimbra, Junio ​​Cesar Ramalho Silva, Melissa Evelyn Azevedo Oliveira, Thalita Gabriele Rodrigues Pereira, Thayna Alves de Oliveira Machado, at the company Rodrigues Variedades, starting from August to the present day. . Consulting consists of identifying problems, needs and/or opportunities for improvement in a company, in various sectors, and from there generate solutions and actions to correct or optimize the process. The group mapped the client, understood their needs through chats and started working to solve their needs until finally managing to implement a project of excellence. The main objective of the managers with this consultancy is to identify the flaws in the process and solve them, in which, together with the group, they focused their attention on digital marketing.


COIMBRA, Fernando Vinicius Teles; SILVA, Junio Cesar Ramalho; OLIVEIRA, Melissa Evelyn Azevedo; PEREIRA, Thalita Gabriele Rodrigues; MACHADO, Thayna Alves de Oliveira. Relatório de consultoria do apresentado à empresa Rodrigues Variedades. 2021. 9 f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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December 3, 2021