Relatório de consultoria do grupo Young Consultants apresentado à empresa Empório Buritis


Amanda Silva; Bruna Ferreira; Diego Reis; Juliana Lima; Sabrina Dias


Consultancy, Lunch, Self service


A consultancy work was carried out by the Young Consultants group, composed of students Amanda Silva, Bruna Ferreira, Diego Reis, Juliana Lima and Sabrina Dias, at the company Empório Buritis, located in Betim, between August and November 2021. The main objective of managers towards this consultancy was to structure the company's financial sector, helping to improve management, through the capture of relevant information and a skillful diagnosis to improve these deficient points. This report includes a brief presentation of the company, the diagnosis carried out after capturing relevant information, a summary of the activities developed by the group to improve the deficient points and the suggestions for improvements identified after the diagnosis. At the end, a proposal of implemented recommendations and recommendations to be implemented is presented.


SILVA, Amanda; FERREIRA, Bruna; REIS, Diego; LIMA, Juliana; DIAS, Sabrina. Relatório de consultoria do grupo Young Consultants apresentado à empresa Empório Buritis. 2021. 12f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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December 3, 2021